Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mount Timpanogos Temple - Transitions

I am moving through another transition in my life, that has taken me somewhat by surprise.  I have heard the term “empty nest syndrome”, all my life.  And the reality has finally arrived.  My husband and I are on our own, and our children are living and functioning completely independent of us.  Of course this was our goal from the beginning, to raise them to move off on their own and become self-sufficient, and capable of starting homes of their own.  But, it’s a rude awakening when they seem quite content to go for seconds, minutes, or in some cases, years, without my advice and companionship!

Along with the realization that they no longer need me, is the shock that my time is no longer involved in changing diapers, meeting with teachers, driving to ball games or choir performances, driving to a college apartment, or even writing letters to a missionary.  Instead, I am left alone to decide what I want to do, and be, for the rest of my life.  Wasn’t this the conversation I had with my child, when I dropped them off to college, in what seems like yesterday?..what should I study and what do I want to become?  Now, all the sudden, my head is spinning with all my options, only a thought away.

My ah ha! moment, in the Mt Timpanogas Temple, was this: The temple is all about helping us move through transitions.  Not only does it describe all the major transitions, such as life before this earth, our purpose on earth, and where we go after this life, but it teaches us how to move through each phase.  Is it possible that by focusing on what I learn there, I will be able to discover what the rest of my life, will be best used for?

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