San Diego California Temple - Witness
A witness is someone who has seen with their own eyes, and can testify to others about what they have seen. Although I cannot claim to have seen Christ, I have seen evidence of his existence and love. I see the world he created and I experience the blessings he promises to those who follow him. I see, with eyes of faith, the reality of his love for all mankind, and his efforts to save them.
There is a scripture, "by their fruits ye shall know them". My life is filled with the fruit of happiness and hope. I experience promptings from the Holy Ghost, and I feel love in my heart for my family and others. I have been rescued from temptation and sin and restored from sadness to joy, through his atonement. My trials teach me to trust in him all the more, because his is the only power that can save. I don't just believe in Christ. I believe Christ.
He is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. He is the perfect example of obedience to God and has suffered for all mankind. His resurrection is real, and he continues to reign in the heavens. And one day soon, he will return to the earth to claim his kingdom and reign forever. He is the light of the world, the only begotten son of the Father, the prince of peace.
I am a witness for my Savior and his goodness. His love has changed my life and I will praise him and be grateful forever.
Throughout the San Diego temple are pictures of Jesus Christ. As I looked at them, I felt his presence and his love for me. The entrance to the celestial room is unique. One walks up a gradually inclined, circular hallway, as though you are ascending into heaven.
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