Thursday, November 22, 2012

Feast of Gratitude

Recently I said to my family, “If I cannot be happy, then it is not possible for anyone on earth to be happy."  I am blessed with faith, family and eternal blessings.  For me to be ungrateful would be a sin. 

And so, as part of my Thanksgiving feast, I give thanks to my Father in Heaven for his delicious plan of happiness, my Savior, and the opportunity to be a part of his kingdom on earth.  I have tasted the sweet savor of the Atonement and partaken of the beauty and covenants of the temple.  

I have been given heaping servings of love from my family.  Other delicious delicacies that are part of my feast are freedom, education, transportation, communication, health and property.  Next to me is the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  And the table keeps enlarging with more and more to partake, so much that it cannot be taken in, and I am left to sit and stare at dishes filled to overflowing.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lord, How Can I Know Thee - Poem

Lord, How Can I Know Thee

Lord, how can I know thee
  my Savior and friend
  thy suffering and heartache
  thy trials and pain

How can I know thee
  thy gifts to obtain
  gain entrance into Heaven
  and live with Thee again

            Know thou thy neighbor
              who also pleads today
              for comfort in suffering
              with trials and pain

            Know her desires
              her joys and her fears
              so she and thee, may come
              and live with me here

Lord, how can I serve thee
  when small means have I
  my hands, my heart
  and time passing by

How can I serve thee
  thou art far away
  with oil I cannot anoint thee
  nor can I wipe thy tears away

            Serve thou thy neighbor
              bring comfort and cheer
              embrace her and tell her
              I'll always be near

            Tend to her needs
              whether great or small
              and take time to know her
              to listen, to call

Lord, how can I love thee
  creator of Heaven and earth
  whose forgiveness and mercy
  are of greatest worth

How can I love thee
  with all my heart
  my might, mind and strength
  from thee ne’er to part

            Love thou thy neighbor
              let your heart o’er flow
              with charity and forgiveness
              great joy thou shalt know

            Dear child, I love thee
              and blessed are ye
              if ye love one of the least of these
              ye have also loved me

By Janice Harten
Matt 25
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