Saturday, February 4, 2012

Los Angeles California Temple - Preparation

Ok, it happened….I was ornery and disagreeable all the way to the temple.  I could blame the Los Angeles bumper-to-bumper traffic.  Or, perhaps it was the way my husband and I exchanged words, or the lack thereof.  Maybe it was my lack of sleep or having to adjust my high expectations.  But, when all was said and done, I was in a very bad mood when I attempted to smile for a picture outside the temple with my husband.  I knew I could not, in good conscience, attend a session.  It would have been totally in vain.

So when we entered, I jumped at my husband’s suggestion to eat some lunch in the temple cafeteria first.  And sure enough, by the time we were done eating, I was able to genuinely smile at my husband with love!, and thank him for getting us to the temple safely.  I apologized for my actions and felt the spirit return.  I was glad for a recovery period!  After all, the temple isn’t for “perfect” people, but is for people striving to become perfect.

This experience taught me about the importance of preparing to attend the temple.  I wonder how many blessings I have forfeited by my neglect.  I think the Lord is eager to share all he can with us, yet I am sometimes not in a frame of mind to receive what he has for me.  And, I believe the earlier and more diligent the preparation, the more abundant the blessing.

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