Awe inspiring! Our
visit to The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley was
unforgettable. I thought we would be
there a couple of hours and then be on our way.
Six hours later we were the last ones to leave, as the presidential
guards locked the gate behind us.
We read and listened to Reagan’s inspired words. He was fearless and said what we all wanted
said. He put into words what we all
felt. He was the “great communicator”. He restored our self-respect, and our
reputation in the world. He loved all
people and defended individual worth.

We toured the Oval Office and Air force 1. We stood by a piece of the Berlin Wall. We took pictures of the presidential seal and
pondered by President Reagan’s grave, overlooking beautiful Simi Valley. A hundred chairs were set up for his 101st
birthday celebration the next day.

Ronald Reagan is not only one of my heroes. He was a man prepared and lead by God to
protect and preserve this land for the sake of all people on the earth. His efforts to reign in government spending,
establish a balanced budget, and create a national defense, restored America’s ability
to protect itself from both enemies without and enemies within. His efforts brought down intangible as well
as tangible walls of hostility. Some of
our enemies became our friends, and our nation’s citizens once again had their
God-given rights, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, declared and protected. We need another Ronald Reagan in the White House.
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