Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nephi's purpose in writing

I sometimes wonder who, if anyone, will read what I have written.  And if no one reads it, what is it's purpose?  I am surprised, that in spite of a lack of readership, I feel a strong desire to continue writing about my thoughts, experiences, and testimony.

The other day, reading in the Book of Mormon I reread these passages, written by Nephi, 

"For the fulness of mine intent is that I may apersuade men tobcome unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved.
Wherefore, the things which are apleasing unto the world I do not write, but the things which are pleasing unto God and unto those who are not of the world."

I thought about Nephi's purpose for keeping records, to bless his posterity, and anyone who would believe.  And he wrote not just one record, but at least two that he speaks of.  Nephi's record was written 600 years before the birth of Christ, and it was buried in the earth for many centuries after Christ's birth.  Yet, the Lord preserved it for a purpose, and his voice and testimony is now read and heard throughout the world.

I trust that some small good will come from my words, for the sake of my posterity, in the Lord's time.

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