Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fasting - Portal Into Heaven

Every first Sunday of each month is set apart as a day to fast, pray and give.  Like the Savior, who went into the mountains to pray and draw close to his father for guidance and strength, I am seeking today for blessings for myself and blessings for others who are both near and far from me.

It is early morning and my heart is filled with concern for family members who are battling for their lives in many different ways.  Some are facing life threatening cancers and illness.  Others struggle against addictions and spiritual disease.  Some face financial uncertainty or others depression and loneliness.  Seeing all these things together is quite overwhelming and I ask myself, what can I do to help or can I only look on?

For instance, my husband's niece has a 22 year old daughter with advanced brain cancer.  She has undergone two surgeries and a third was recommended this past week.  A large cyst has filled the cavity where the mass was removed in her last surgery.  Her parents have asked us to pray that this cyst would reduce on its own.  

Sitting here, I asked myself, what is the purpose of these experiences?  And immediately the answer came in the form of another question, "If we did not experience these trials would we feel the need to call on God?"

And so I pray for my own faith to grow and for blessings of health, comfort and relief to come to those I care about.  Perhaps each prayer opens a small portal into heaven where the angels sit to do God's bidding.  And one by one these ministering angels or special guardians deliver power and healing or understanding to our hands and hearts.

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