Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Knockout - Poem


Loud, Boisterous
and bloviating Anger
rush from one corner
and crowd into my space
Pushing, jousting, jabbing
out of order
demanding to be heard
shouting "Justice!"
With red-faced lather
and puffed-up blather
shoving Peace aside
causing Pride with Enmity
to colide

While in opposing corner
blissful Hope
patiently chooses
strategic moment
And with deft side-step
followed with repeated
padded Faith
applies leverage
to disable, disorient
subdue opponent
then grasp them in firm hold
and whisper --- let Peace

on the ropes and then
collapsed to the mat
Ten counts declare
punctured Pride and Anger
knocked out

High Hope
united ringside
persistent Peace power
remain the victor

Janice Harten
22 May 2024

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