Saturday, October 6, 2012

Trials - Marking Stones

Some of the most meaningful times of my life are those when I was experiencing times of greatest trial.  My mind returns to those moments again and again to review how I felt and to see how I grew and was blessed to overcome and find my way through.  They are moments when I can see with clarity where I turned for help, or I look in amazement and gratitude on those who came to my rescue.  My personal trials have become marking stones that line my pathway and as someone once said, they are the experiences that have taught me the most about myself and helped me become acquainted with God.

Twenty three years ago, today, I was in the midst of such a trial.  Our youngest child was born three months premature.  He was a tiny 2lb 3oz and spent his first two months in an incubator.  His body was a dark purple when he was born and his undeveloped lungs hushed his first cries.  The first time I touched him through the incubator window, he grew calm, and I knew he knew I was there.  The first time I held him I could see the struggle and determination in his eyes.  I knew he was on earth for a purpose and he would fight to live.  Most of all, I remember the feelings of peace and reassurance that came from God, that he had a plan and he knew each one of us.

Life's lessons occur every day, which cause my heart to be stretched with compassion for others as I see them also going through difficult experiences.  Most recently, I comforted my daughter after she experienced the loss of a much wanted pregnancy.  After wiping away the tears, I reminded myself that the Lord is in the details of our lives and he feels and knows our innermost tender thoughts and feelings.  And he gently nurtures those feelings within us.

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