Short on short term memory and long between sessions? The Puzzilla Log is an invaluable new tool recently added to Premium Features to help users keep track of their family history research! Just follow these simple steps:
- Go to
- Log in with User ID and Password
- A Puzzilla view of your family tree appears
- Select someone from the tree by clicking on a blue square (male) or red circle (female)
- From the pop-up, select "Log This Person"
- ID number and name of person immediately appears on Puzzilla Log, viewed in new Tab at the top of your browser
- "Refresh ordinances" at the top of the page to see an update of completed LDS ordinances displayed on the right hand side of the log. (B C I E SP SS)
- "1 2 3 4 5"
These numbers are special "Status" markers that can indicate your research work flow or whatever you want them to be. For example, if you click on the small dash that appears under the "1" a small triangle appears in the chart in the corresponding color to the "1". You might choose this to mark everyone you are doing current research on. You might choose "5", a black triangle to mark those whose research is completed. Other markers might indicate family names you have shared work with or where others are doing research, etc. As you return to your tree, refresh your pages and click the new "Status" button on the left of the page. Colored triangles corresponding from your log will now appear on your Puzzilla tree to help you clearly see the status of your
- "Search" - Use this feature to find anything within the log
- Click on words and numbers in the title bar of the Log to see the list sorted according to that category. Return to the Log's original state by refreshing the page.
Want to add or delete someone from the log? Here's how:
- "Log This Person" appears in pop-up on every person you select on your puzzilla ancestry or descendancy tree
- "Add ID" is a box at the top of the Log where you can enter the ID number of anyone you want to add. They will immediately appear on your list.
- "Delete Row" will remove the row you have selected
Note: Data is automatically saved 10 seconds after your last key stroke, this is an industry standard. Data is completely secure and can be accessed from any computer by you through your login.
Puzzilla Log is an invaluable tool for keeping track of your research work flow and everyone involved in the process. Give it a try. We welcome feedback on your success or suggestions.